Making a donation to one of the ARK AID projects or partners:
When making a donation please indicate which of the projects or partners you want your gift forwarded to. Also indicate if your gift is destined for an ARK AID gift matching project.
Gifts for projects can be transferred to the ING bank nr. IBAN:
NL41 INGB 0004 7150 34 at Voorthuizen, the Netherlands
What ARK AID promises if you decide to give directly via Ark Aid:
Ark Aid Foundation forwards, with no overhead and no costs, 100% of your gift to the organization or project of your choice which is named under 'Projects'. Forwarding of funds to projects or organizations not adopted by Ark Aid is subject to approval by Ark Aid Foundation. For that purpose, contact us.
If your gift is more then € 500, then:
When making a donation please indicate which of the projects or partners you want your gift forwarded to. Also indicate if your gift is destined for an ARK AID gift matching project.
Gifts for projects can be transferred to the ING bank nr. IBAN:
NL41 INGB 0004 7150 34 at Voorthuizen, the Netherlands
What ARK AID promises if you decide to give directly via Ark Aid:
Ark Aid Foundation forwards, with no overhead and no costs, 100% of your gift to the organization or project of your choice which is named under 'Projects'. Forwarding of funds to projects or organizations not adopted by Ark Aid is subject to approval by Ark Aid Foundation. For that purpose, contact us.
If your gift is more then € 500, then:
- We will contact the receiving party to ask what they would do with your gift, get more information about their present circumstances, etc.
- We will look into the possibilities of duplication of your gift.
- In the light of the above, we will contact you, inform you, and seek your advice with respect to the purpose of the gift.
- Only when the above is realized, is your gift forwarded. Otherwise we will return the gift to you.
- We will require that the receiving party send you a personal note of appreciation with specifications as to what has been done with your gift, pictures, newsletters, etc.
- Ark Aid adds 2% to monies that are transferred outside of the Euro zone to cover costs for bank and exchange rate charges.
- If you are not satisfied with what has been done with your gift in the first year, we will refund it out of our own pockets (to a maximum of € 5000.00).
If you give without designating a partner or project, then:
- Ark Aid will choose at its own discretion. 100% of donations will be forwarded. None is used for Ark Aid running costs. We will attempt to duplicate your giving.
- At this moment all non-designated gifts are allocated for gift-matching projects for Bible distribution.
- If you are a Dutch citizen wanting to give to a registered Dutch charitable organization through the services of Ark Aid Foundation, then we ask that you will consider giving the tax benefits you receive from your gift to the same charitable organization.
For advice and tips about donating gifts see ARK AID APPRAISAL
ARK AID accountability when you give via ARK AID:
ARK AID aims at total transparency. You receive a cc of all correspondence that ARK AID carries out with the recipient of your gift when it is in excess of € 500. ARK AID requests that the recipient correspond with the giver directly, mentioning appreciation and stating how the gift has been used. If the benefactor wishes to remain anonymous, the correspondence is carried out via ARK AID, and ARK AID informs the giver. More information about what has been done with your donation can be found in the extensive ARK AID project descriptions and year reports.
Gifts to an organization via ARK AID go by way of our ING-Bank account
IBAN: NL41 INGB 0004 7150 34. Detailed information about gift transfers to our partners can be fount in the annual reports.
ARK AID aims at total transparency. You receive a cc of all correspondence that ARK AID carries out with the recipient of your gift when it is in excess of € 500. ARK AID requests that the recipient correspond with the giver directly, mentioning appreciation and stating how the gift has been used. If the benefactor wishes to remain anonymous, the correspondence is carried out via ARK AID, and ARK AID informs the giver. More information about what has been done with your donation can be found in the extensive ARK AID project descriptions and year reports.
Gifts to an organization via ARK AID go by way of our ING-Bank account
IBAN: NL41 INGB 0004 7150 34. Detailed information about gift transfers to our partners can be fount in the annual reports.

ARK AID guarantees satisfaction:
If you are not satisfied with what has been done with your donation (within the first year) then Ark Aid will refund your donation (to a maximum of € 5000,-), no questions asked. The amount to be refunded, if it has been spent, will not be deducted from other gifts, but comes out of the pockets of the board members--they show in this way that they have confidence in the partner that is receiving your donation.
If you are not satisfied with what has been done with your donation (within the first year) then Ark Aid will refund your donation (to a maximum of € 5000,-), no questions asked. The amount to be refunded, if it has been spent, will not be deducted from other gifts, but comes out of the pockets of the board members--they show in this way that they have confidence in the partner that is receiving your donation.